Inspirational Books written by our CEO
Dr. Regeline "Gigi" Sabbat, Endorsed by Les Brown
Meet The Author
Dr. Regeline "Gigi" Sabbat is a best-selling author, also well versed in law, social psychology, finance, and life coaching. Her books have many valuable lessons that she has learned from her personal life experiences, such as sexual assaults when she was young and even as a professional. She's also the host of an awesome award-winning podcast with the same name to share life experiences and expertise from leaders -- be sure to check it out on Apple Podcasts or your favorite directory. Visit Regeline's podcast page here.
God First
"So many people use the phrase 'God first'! I wonder if they fully comprehend the responsibility and accountability they are referring to by saying 'I put God first.' My personal understanding of what it means to say GOD first is as follows...."
Walk With Me: Walk With Purpose
There's a time in your life when you realize there is more! This is a book about finding your heart, finding your voice and finding your way!
Book Collaborations
Overcoming Heart Blocks
Inspiring stories for healing from trauma
“The messages in this book magnifies the importance of getting help in finding your path to healing. “
- Tanya Gold, M.D.
On The Front Line With Royal Warriors: Leadership With A Servant's Heart
On the Front Line with Professional Coaches and Best-Selling Authors Ilona Parunakova and Regeline Sabbat!
Inspiring, Motivational, Powerful Acronyms for Cognitive Thinking
Acronyms and abbreviations have become a part of everyday dialect. They are used in both personal and professional communication to drive an idea home and make it easier to remember while also saving time. In a world of more readily available information at times the sheer wealth of ideas to which we are exposed can be overwhelming. Condensing a concept to a handful of letters alleviates the stress of combining individual ideas into one. The goal of this first volume is to share thoughts, ideas and concepts that will have a profound impact on your daily life, whether business or professional. You will find that one simple acronym can make the difference and have the IMPACT you have been looking for but were struggling to find until now.
Featuring chapters by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat, Alec Stern, Moneeka Sawyer, Chris Naugle, Kerstin O’Shields, James Dentley, Lou Edwards, Bill Walsh, Steve Sims, Shannon Parsons, Susan Zimmerman, Chip Hopper, Dr. Rolanda Schmidt “Dr. Ro”, Colleen Biggs, Theresa Goss, Paul Spiers, Sallie Wagner, Rob Angel, Allison Larsen, Paul Finck, Brooke Heym, Christoff J. Weihman, Ken “Dr. Smiley” Rochon, Jr. PhD., Jennifer J. Hammond, Diane Halfman, Jen Du Plessis, Ben Ward, Karolina Hobson, Jeff Hoffman, Charlie Cina, and Dr. Greg Reid.
Regeline Sabbat: A second-generation immigrant refers to an individual who was born in the United States, and has at least one foreign-born parent. Chapter "I am proud to be a First-generation Haitian American"
Volume 1: The Principles Of David & Goliath
Volume 2: The Principles Of David And Goliath: Strategy And Goal Methods
Volume 3: The Principles Of David And Goliath: Action & Implementation
Healing and Growth
Inspiring Stories For Massive Transformation
"Many people experience challenges in their lives then they feel stuck. Healing and growth helps people get unstuck and grow in all areas of their lives."